An orchestrated Anti and dinner with a pig

The Mission authorized phones, purchased by their families, to increase communication and missionary efforts.  
There we were, in the same place we always seem to be, on a doorstep, knees knocking and knocking doors. We'd just commented on the fact that tracting is scary, and we can't seem to get over it when the door swung open, and we were greeted by a woman with a worn down blue bible in hand. She recognized us as Mormons and began to shuffle through the pages of her marked-up bible, pointing out how her beliefs lined up with passages in the bible. Her knowledge of said bible was impressive; her willingness to listen to another believing soul was lacking. This raging woman of another faith did not stop to breathe while she hurled her bible based, human interpreted opinions at us. We stood there and listened, noting where our beliefs lined up, for ten minutes when she finally paused (dang that lung capacity) and asked us if we believe in hell. No, we don't. Not a literal "fire scorching flesh" hell anyways. 

We know that God loves His children way too much to send them to such a place and has instead prepared alternatives. We shared our beliefs, bore testimony of God's love, and then were completely shut down. She would not listen, told us she hopes we find the truth before our time is up and we end up in hell. She wished us a good day, paused, and then said: "actually, I don’t know if I can say that to you (because in her eyes we are preachers of a false word; liars destined for hell), I hope you don't have a good day." 


 And that was the end of it. 

 We walked away bewildered, dizzy from the whirlwind of well-meant faith. 

 There are several things that I learned from this encounter. 

 The first is that kindness MUST pervade as we discuss religion with those around us. It is pointless to shut people out over simple differences. But ya’ll know that already so... moving on.

 Secondly, I learned of the reality and importance of God's priesthood power and authority. Everybody's opinions on religion are just that-- mere opinions. If we want absolute truth, we have to go to God. We have to. It is through the priesthood keys that were restored through Joseph Smith that we can truly access all of God's blessings to help us find and then live by GOD'S truth. 

 And last but not least, the spirit testified to my companion and me once again that God's truth is in very deed found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The second this lady told us we were wrong and going to hell the spirit ditched us. The difference between when we spoke of the plan of salvation and her rebuttal was clear. This. Is. God's. Church. Hallelujah!

 Along with experiencing the most intense anti, we also had the greatest dinner of our lives! 

 We sat down to a pot roast dinner with a middle-aged couple, and small talked our time away. As the evening wore on, we all became more comfortable with each other. We were helping them clear the table when they started talking about their pets. 

 And then we met a pig.

 Yep. A pig. 

 They have a pet pig. They have a pet pig. His name is Latin. Ha. 

 Why do they have a pig? I don't know. Maybe because it's walking food storage? Hahaha just kidding.

 So we met the pig. And then they sat us down for cheesecake. And then they gave us the rest of the cheesecake to take home.

 And then...glowing like an angel...this beloved sister says ...

 "Do you sisters like Lulu Roe (or however you spell it)?" 

 Gshkqosbwnnqyduiaqnnw. Yes. 

 We walked out of that house with half of a cheesecake, a loaf of pumpkin bread, three items of expensive lulu roe clothing pieces EACH, AND A PICTURE WITH A PIG. IT WAS THE GREATEST DINNER OF OUR LIVES. 

 Also, do you remember the little girl last week who thinks we're basically angels? Yeah, we're best friends now.

 And no, mom, I have not wrecked the new car. Although I have terrified my companion. 

 Speaking of my companion, she's the bomb diggity. We work really hard and sometimes terrorize the people. 

 She's from Florida (her family is okay, thanks for asking). Her dad is from Peru, but she does not speak Spanish.  She's good at sports and super picky when it comes to food (my opposite in both those things).  She's hilarious, connects really well with people, and lives off of goldfish crackers and character mac and cheese. 

  Well. This has been fun. Thanks for joining me. Make sure ya’ll come on back next week! 😁


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