Awkward --Delayed from 09/25/17

Sorry this was delayed in getting posted.

Remember last week when I told you that somebody entrusted me with not only a fresh-faced greenie but a car as well? Well now somebody has given me A BRAND NEW CAR. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. Might as well enjoy it while I can though, it's the newest car I'll ever drive. 

Every week in the mission field is crazy but these past couple of weeks have been insane. This week I died after getting a flu shot. I was down for the count all day Thursday, and I simply struggled through Friday. We haven't been able to spend much time proselyting this week as much of our time has gone to getting our phones set up. It's a little stressful, but it's clear that this is what the Lord wants for this mission. 

It's also quite clearly something Jesus wants for me personally. I have been called to repent for the mindless way I use to use my cell phone. I used my phone when I was bored, stressed, or lazy, and I used it mainly to numbly scroll through the dozens of social media apps (mostly Pinterest). I've had the phone for only a week, and I have already caught myself reaching for it just to check out multiple times now.  Thankfully, God has granted me a golden opportunity to repent of my old habits and forge better ones. 

We had the craziest miracle the other day that I don't even know how to type out. All that I know is that this is God's work and because it is His, miracles are never far from the turn of the corner. 

This is awkward... I have to go. Sorry for the meatless email. Sorry no pics. 

Love you bye.


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